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Drop the Titles, Pick Up the Cross: Why Favor is the Real Flex

Writer's picture: Called To PurposeCalled To Purpose

Depiction of picking up your cross
Depiction of picking up your cross

Yesterday, life threw me a curveball. One of those news updates that feels like someone yanked the rug from under you—except the rug was already thin, worn out, and barely holding on. I sat there, swimming in an emotional stew: frustration, confusion, and a sprinkle of self-pity. You know the drill—“Why does everything have to be so hard? Why do I always have to figure things out? Can’t the universe throw me a lifeline, preferably one wrapped in a winning lottery ticket?"

But after sulking in my personal pity party, I did what David did—I encouraged myself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). I reminded myself, "God is with me, and I am His child." Not His distant relative or forgotten stepkid—His child. That realization was like a caffeine shot to my soul. I got up, dusted off my "woe is me" attitude, and decided to frame what I wanted to see, not what life was currently showing me.

I felt like Moses standing there, asking, "What’s in your hand?" (Exodus 4:2). Or the widow with the jar of oil (2 Kings 4:1-7). Spoiler alert: It wasn't a master's degree, a business title, or a perfectly curated LinkedIn profile. It was faith. And the keys of David—those divine access passes called favor (Isaiah 22:22). I chose to use them. I said, "God, You’ve brought me this far. Let's do this Your way."

Now, here’s the thing—I used to think titles opened doors. You know, the ones you proudly slap onto your email signature: Entrepreneur. Director. Consultant Extraordinaire. I chased them like a toddler chasing bubbles—excited, hopeful, only to watch them pop right before my eyes. I genuinely believed that if I climbed high enough on the title ladder, I’d reach the promised land of success, joy, and an endless supply of "congratulations" emails.

Plot twist—none of that worked. In fact, life humbled me in the most dramatic fashion. Within two years, my titles did a disappearing act:

  • I became a single woman—poof! There goes "Wife." (okay, potentially lol)

  • I became apartment-less—poof! There goes "Homeowner." (Well almost)

  • I became jobless—poof! There goes "Employee of the Month" (not that I ever got that one, but you get the idea).

  • I became friendless—because apparently, when your life gets messy, some folks quietly exit stage left and others have to be dropped.(God's orders)

But…another season switched. God flipped the script, and the titles I gained weren’t ones you’d find on a business card, but they held eternal weight:

  • Child of God: No board meeting required for this one.

  • Prayer Warrior: Because midnight prayers hit different when you’re fighting for your peace.

  • Semi-Author: Yes, I’m claiming it! Blog posts and e-book count!

  • Homemaker: Not just for the house but for the atmosphere of the home. (if you knew me, you would know why this is shocking. lol)

  • Homeschool Teacher: Because my son didn’t just need math lessons; he needed heart lessons, too.

  • Podcaster: Who knew I’d be chatting my way into people’s hearts?

  • Whole: The title that money can’t buy and trauma can’t steal.

It may not be in grandest level with what man defines as success but I am so fulfilled and at rest. Here’s the kicker—all the degrees, titles, and accolades I thought would give me access? They were just fancy decorations. What truly opened doors was God's favor. The issue that had me spiraling yesterday? Solved today… with ease. Not because I emailed the right person or flexed my resume, but because favor went ahead of me, paved the way, and whispered into the right ears.

It hit me—titles change with seasons, but favor is the only currency that never loses value. Think about Joseph. One day, he was "prisoner." The next, he was "Prime Minister." (Genesis 41:14). Esther? "Orphan" to "Queen" (Esther 2:17). Peter? "Fisherman" to "Apostle" (Matthew 4:18-19). Not because they networked like pros, but because God stamped their lives with favor.

I’m not saying throw your degrees in the trash or quit striving for excellence. By all means, do the work—but don’t idolize the titles. Because when the titles fall away (and trust me, they will), you’ll realize the only thing keeping you afloat is the grace of God.

So, what’s the takeaway here? Drop the titles. Pick up the cross. Favor will follow. Period. As Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33).

Oh, and if you need further convincing, listen to Rev. Julian Kyula’s sermon on the battle of voices. It’ll shake you in the best way possible. (Here’s the link if you missed it: Rev Julian Kyula Sermon). And if you’re feeling extra curious, catch my podcast episode where I spill the tea—not just on my struggles but on the wins that only God could orchestrate: My Podcast Episode.

So here I am—title-free but purpose-full. Favor-covered and cross-carrying. And let me tell you, it’s the best place I’ve ever been.



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